911 Communications
The McHenry County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center receives 911 calls from all unincorporated areas of McHenry County, as well as from the jurisdictions of 10 outside police agencies and 4 fire/rescue departments. A total of 15 organizations rely on the professionalism and skill of our 911 dispatchers.
All dispatchers are Illinois Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) certified and also certified through the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch as Emergency Medical Dispatchers. With this certification, our dispatchers are able to issue medical instructions while injured or ill persons are awaiting the arrival of paramedics.
The Sheriff’s Office utilizes the STARCOM 21 800MHz radio platform. This system allows for clear communications and correspondence with nearly all agencies statewide.
Court Security
Our Court Security Officers serve as the law enforcement and security officers for the McHenry County Government Center. Court Security Officers have full law enforcement powers and provide law enforcement duties within the Government Center complex, including 17 courtrooms. Court Security Officers provide courtroom security during all hearings, trials and whenever court is in session. Court security officers open and close the court and are responsible for the safety and security of the judge, court officers, and the courtroom. Whenever a jury is sequestered for overnight deliberations, Court Security Officers remain with the jury to provide security and ensure that no outside contact is made with jurors.
Records Divison
The Records Division is the central depository for all criminal arrests, traffic crashes, citations, and miscellaneous reports in McHenry County. It also holds the booking records for all inmates brought to the McHenry County Correctional Facility.
Clerks in the Records Division process all reports daily. All reports are organized according to crime and compiled into statistical information, which is reported to state and federal agencies as required by law. Our records are stored in a combination of physical and electronic versions.
Traffic Crash Reports
For crash reports, you can visit buycrash.lexisnexisrisk.com to instantly download the accident report. Citizens can also purchase their reports through the Records Division.
Civil Process
The Civil Process Division is responsible for the preparation, process, and service of all orders of the Court. More than 16,000 civil documents are processed each year by our Civil Process Division.
Documents processed and served include summons, subpoenas, orders of protections, evictions, foreclosures, personal property and real estate levies, orders of replevin, wage deductions, garnishments, notices, rules/orders, and adoptions.
The Sheriff’s garage is staffed by full-time, certified mechanics who provide around-the-clock mechanical service for a fleet of 260+ County vehicles. Each sworn deputy has an assigned take-home marked squad car which is serviced every 3000 miles. The Sheriff’s mechanics are responsible for all mechanical repairs, including rebuilding engines and suspension systems. The garage is a seven bay, fully equipped facility to help keep the vehicles in excellent mechanical condition. The mechanics service a full line of vehicles, including, but not limited to: police squad cars, support vehicles, K-9 vehicles, a command truck, a Mobile Armored Rescue Vehicle (MARV), jail transport vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs, and gators.
Custodial Staff
The McHenry County Sheriff’s office employs a staff of 4 custodians and a custodial supervisor to maintain the cleanliness of the Sheriff’s Office facilities. This includes the Administrative facilities, the Adult Correctional Facility, the fleet management offices, and the off–site training facilities. They are responsible for keeping the Sheriff’s facilities in a clean and orderly condition to ensure that the department maintains a professional appearance. They also support the county’s recycling program.